Associate Fellows Group Committees

If you are interested in serving on an AFG Committee as a committee Chair or Deputy Chair, please respond to the annual “Call for Nominations” and complete the online self-nomination form and upload the requested documentation.

Unless otherwise stated, all Committees are normally composed of a Chair and up to two Deputy Chairs, and all Committee members form part of the AFG Leadership Team.

AFG Committee Chairs and Deputy Chairs are encouraged to become members of the equivalent AsMA parent committee (if any). See the AsMA Committees page for more information.

For details of the current Chairs and Deputy Chairs, please click on the link in the name of each Committee.

Ellingson Award Committee:

The Ellingson Award Committee:

  • Annually recognizes scientific writing achievements amongst AFG members who have published a paper in Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance as the first author;
  • Selects candidates for the Award by comparing the current Associate Fellows membership list with the list of first authors found in the December Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance annual journal index and identifying papers authored by Associate Fellows;
  • Chooses a first-time recipient of the Award from these candidates by collating scoring (based on a standardised template) by the AFG Leadership Team;
  • Invites the winner and the two other top shortlisted candidates to the AFG Breakfast at the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting (normally held in May);
  • In conjunction with the Awards Sub-Committee, designs and arranges production of the Award plaque; and
  • Presents the Award at the AFG Breakfast at the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting.

Informatics Committee:

The Informatics Committee:

  • Coordinates with the AFG and AsMA Home Office in support of electronic information and communication initiatives;
  • Maintains the AFG Facebook site, Twitter feed and LinkedIn group;
  • Posts regular updates to the AFG website regarding AFG business and other matters of interest;
  • Administers the AFG website;
  • Produces AFG Newsletters, online surveys, forms and upload portals as required; and
  • Designs the poster for the AFG Breakfast at the annual AsMA meeting
  • (normally held in May) and distributes this together with the Chair’s invitation through all digital means in order to encourage attendance at the AFG Breakfast.

Membership Committee:

The Membership Committee:

  • In conjunction with the AFG Chair, prepares an annual letter inviting eligible AsMA members to apply for AFG membership;
  • Receives and collates AFG membership applications and assists applicants;
  • Liaises with the AsMA Home Office regarding eligibility of applicants;
  • Submits a final list of applicants to the AsMA Executive Committee for approval;
  • Liaises with all applicants and invites successful applicants to attend the annual AFG Breakfast as guests of the AFG;
  • Inducts new members at the AFG Breakfast;
  • Coordinates with the AFG Treasurer and Chair of the Receptions Committee regarding arrangements for the AFG Breakfast;
  • Coordinates with the Treasurer and Chairs of the Merchandising and Receptions Committees regarding staffing of the Associate Fellows table/booth at the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting (normally held in May);
  • Produces membership publicity information; and
  • Maintains current information about membership on the AFG website.

Merchandising Committee:

The Merchandising Committee:

  • Develops merchandise to enhance the visibility of the AFG, generate revenue to sustain its activities, and providing financial support for special AFG and/or AsMA projects;
  • Organises merchandising activities for the Associate Fellows table at the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting;
  • Coordinates merchandising efforts with the AFG Treasurer and Chair;
  • Coordinates with the Chair of the Informatics Committee to include merchandising information on the AFG website;
  • Coordinates with the AFG Treasurer and Chairs of the Membership and Receptions Committees regarding staffing of the Associate Fellows table/booth and merchandising sales at the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting in May; and
  • Contributes to the Awards Sub-Committee.

Nominations Committee:

The Nominations Committee:

  • Manages the annual “Call for Nominations” to invite AFG members to apply for appointment as AFG Officers and Committee Chairs and Deputy Chairs;
  • Liaises with the AFG Chair on the wording of the annual “Call for Nominations” which is sent out to AFG members via email;
  • Liaises with the Informatics Committee regarding any annual updates to the online self-nomination form and document upload portal;
  • Liaises with the Informatics Committee to publish the “Call for Nominations” on the AFG website and social media accounts;
  • Collects expressions of interest at the annual AFG Breakfast and emails out information to prospective candidates;
  • Develops a slate of nominations and reviews this with the AFG Chair to determine what elections are required;
  • Coordinates any online elections which are needed (and liaises with the Informatics Committee to publish biographies of the nominees on the AFG website);
  • Liaises with the Informatics Committee to post biographies and photographs of all successful candidates on the AFG website;
  • Continues to promote any remaining vacancies to AFG members; and
  • Provides a representative for the AFG Fellowship Evaluation Sub-Committee.

Receptions Committee:

The Receptions Committee:

  • Handles logistical arrangements for the annual AFG Breakfast at the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting (normally held in May);
  • Coordinates with the AsMA Home Office, AFG Chair, Treasurer and Chair of the Membership Committee regarding the AFG Breakfast;
  • Coordinates with the Treasurer and Chairs of the Membership and Merchandising Committees regarding staffing of the Associate Fellows table/booth at the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting in May; and
  • Liaises with the AsMA Home Office and/or the Fellows Group concerning any other special events involving the AFG.

Scientific Program Committee:

The Scientific Program Committee:

  • Encourages and mentors Associate Fellows to submit abstracts for the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting;
  • Invites Associate Fellows to establish a scientific panel composed of Associate Fellows as authors which can then be put forward through the electronic AsMA abstract submission process;
  • Surveys AFG members concerning attendance at the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting (normally held in May) and annual Scientific Program Committee meeting (normally held in November), and submission of abstracts for the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting;
  • Reports on the survey results to the Chair of the AsMA Scientific Program Committee;
  • Where possible, sends representatives to the annual AsMA Scientific Program Committee meeting (normally held in November) to participate in the peer review of submitted abstracts and panels and facilitate the assignment of Associate Fellows as panel and poster chairs for the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting;
  • Encourages AFG members to act as “remote reviewers” of abstracts for the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting;
  • Using the March issue of the AsMA journal Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, identifies Associate Fellows who will be presenting at the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting, and prepares a spreadsheet of these presentations to send out to AFG members to encourage attendance at these presentations;
  • In liaison with the Informatics Committee, also circulates this spreadsheet via its digital platforms;
  • In particular, it advertises via its digital platforms any Associate Fellows panels which are being presented at the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting; and
  • Provides assistance as required for the presentation of any AFG-sponsored panel at the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting (normally held in May).

Awards Sub-Committee

The Awards Sub-Committee is drawn from members of the AFG Executive and Ellingson Award, Membership, Merchandising and Receptions Committees.

The purpose of the Awards Sub-Committee is to design and organize production of the Service Awards and Certificates to be given out at the annual AFG Breakfast during the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting. This brief may also include printing of the poster for the AFG Breakfast.

Fellowship Evaluation Sub-Committee

This sub-committee is composed of the AFG Chair (or nominee), and a representative from each of the Membership and Nominations Committees.

In liaison with the Chair of the AFG and the Chair of the Nominations Committee, submits deserving Associate Fellows to the Fellows Group for consideration for Fellow by Thanksgiving of each year on the basis of self-nominations collected in the latter part of the year.

The Sub-Committee also provides three nominees to the AsMA Fellows Evaluation Committee to assist with the evaluation of Fellowship applications.

This website presents the most current information concerning the activities of the Associate Fellows Group. The version codified by AsMA at an earlier date can be found in Section 5 of the AsMA Policy and Procedures Manual, available from the AsMA Governance page at

Page last updated Thursday 16 September 2021.