Chair: Dr Michael Greene
Profile to be provided…

Deputy Chair: Dr Jason Cromar

Jason Cromar, M.D., M.P.H.
Call-sign DEXTER, I currently serve as the Chief of Aerospace Medicine at Sheppard AFB, TX. I am an active-duty U.S. Air Force military physician, triple board-certified in Internal Medicine, Aerospace and Occupational Medicine, with education completed at USAFA, USUHS, and Harvard University with degrees in medicine, law and public health.
I have significant combat experience as a joint special operations command medical officer and Advanced Air Advisor, holding ratings as a senior USAF and Army Flight Surgeon, Navy Dive Medical Officer and Parachutist.
I maintain my Internal Medicine skills working as a civilian hospitalist and internist downtown at the regional medical center in Wichita Falls. My wife and I have been married for more than 18 years and we have two amazing daughters & two German Shepherd dogs. Outside the home and work, I keep busy as a Volunteer Firefighter.