The information portal for the Associate Fellows Group of the Aerospace Medical Association

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Member opportunities closing soon!

Dear Associate Fellows, we have two reminders for you:

(1) AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting and Scientific Program Committee participation survey

If you have submitted an abstract, plan on attending the AsMA meeting in Atlanta or the AsMA Scientific Program Committee meeting in Alexandria on November 21, or are interested in serving as a session co/chair, then we invite you to complete our online survey no later than November 14:

If you cannot attend the Alexandria meeting but would like to participate as a remote reviewer, please contact [email protected] as soon as possible.

(2) Invitation to self-nominate for Fellowship consideration

The AFG will submit its list of recommended candidates to the AsMA Fellows Group just before Thanksgiving. Candidates must have at least seven years membership in AsMA plus at least 130 points on the Fellows Scoring Sheet emailed out to members. Previously unsuccessful candidates are invited to reapply.

To apply:
(1) Fill in the Fellows Scoring Sheet (Excel spreadsheet);
(2) Complete the online application form:; and
(3) Upload your CV and the scoring sheet to Dropbox:
File name format:

Applications will close at midnight Pacific Time on Wednesday November 20, and the list of names will be forwarded to the Fellows Group shortly afterwards. The Fellows Group will contact nominees directly with a link to complete an online scoring sheet. The preparatory work each AFG candidate has undertaken in completing the attached scoring sheet will considerably facilitate this process.

For further information:
For any problems or concerns, please email [email protected].

Please follow us on Twitter and join our Facebook group:,and consider submitting news and updates for our

AFG Newsletter September 2019

We are pleased to bring you the attached newsletter, which includes a number of updates to cover our news since the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting in Las Vegas and the subsequent meetings of the AFG leadership group.

Please read the newsletter and consider nominating for one of our remaining leadership team vacancies or signing up for an AFG-sponsored Panel at the next AsMA meeting in Atlanta, or providing us with some suggestions about reinvigorating two of the evening receptions at the next AsMA meeting.

We would also like to remind you that all our news updates are also posted on Facebook and Twitter.
Please join our Facebook group and follow us on Twitter!

Service Awards – Congratulations to all the recipients!

Congratulations to all the AFG Annual Service Award recipients who received awards and certificates at the recent AFG Breakfast at the AsMA meeting in Las Vegas.

  1. Ellingson Award – Dr Michael Harrison
  2. Chair’s Award for Outstanding Service to the AFG – Dr Punita Masrani
  3. Service Awards – Executive Members retiring from their current office
    Dr Sanjay Gogate – for his work as Chair-Elect during the 2018-19 year
    Dr Rebecca Blue – for her work as Secretary over the past two years
    Dr Rowena Christiansen – for her work as Chair during the 2018-19 year
  4. Service Awards – Committee Chairs who have made a substantial contribution to the AFG
    Dr Punita Masrani – for her work as Chair of the Ellingson Award 2017-19
    Dr Patricia MacSparran – for her work as Chair of the Merchandising Committee
    Dr Dana Windhorst – for his work as Chair of the Nominations Committee
  5. Certificates Acknowledging Service – Deputy Committee Chairs who have contributed to the work of the AFG over the past year but are retiring from their current roles:
    Dr Kai-Wood Ma
    Professor Dr Munna Khan
    Dr Clifton Nowell
    Dr Ed Powers

New Fellows from the AFG!

Sincere congratulations to the 24 AFG members who were elected as AsMA Fellows at the recent meeting in Las Vegas – a wonderful achievement! There were only five new Fellows who came from outside the AFG, so this is a great illustration of the benefits of membership!
Michael Acromite, John Affleck, Paul Amoroso, Tina Bayuse, Alan Berg, Rebecca Blue, Michael Drane, Sanjay Gogate, Munna Khan, Patricia MacSparran, Punita Masrani, Thomas Massa, Walter Matthews, Randall Moore, Shannan Moynihan, Eric Olins, Nicole Powell-Dunford, William “Ed” Powers, Joan Saary, Tarek Sardana, Adam Sirek, Leigh Speicher, Charles Tedder, and Stephen Vander Ark.

This is the photo of the new Fellows present in Las Vegas:

“Fellows Class of 2019

The Class of 2019 Fellows was announced during Honors Night. In alphabetical order they are: Michael Acromite, John Affleck, Paul Amoroso, Tina Bayuse, Alan Berg, Rebecca Blue, Eddie Davenport, Michael Drane, Sanjay Gogate, Peter Hodkinson, Munna Khan, Patricia MacSparran, Punita Masrani, Thomas Massa, Walter Matthews, Richard McKinley, Stuart Mitchell, Randall Moore, Shannan Moynihan, Eric Olins, Nicole Powell-Dunford, William Ed Powers, Joan Saary, Tarek Sardana, Adam Sirek, Leigh Speicher, Charles Tedder, Russell Turner, and Stephen Vander Ark. Those present at the Honors Night Ceremony are pictured here along with the Fellows Chair, Dr. Warren Silberman (standing far right) and AsMA President, Roland Vermeiren, (far left).”

AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting and Associate Fellows Group Breakfast

Dear Associate Fellows,

It is my great pleasure to invite those of you going to the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting in Las Vegas to join us for the Associate Fellows Group (AFG) Breakfast on Wednesday, May 8 (please see the attached flier for further details). Anyone with an interest in the AFG is welcome to attend, so please feel free to bring family, friends or significant others. In order to secure your place, please book by 12 noon on Monday, May 6.

As part of conducting the Annual Business Meeting of the AFG, we will be inducting the next cohort of new Associate Fellows, presenting the Ellingson Award and our annual Service Awards, announcing new appointees to AFG Committee positions, inviting expressions of interest for remaining vacancies, and conducting a Q&A session for prospective members.

I am also delighted to advise that we have been able to secure as guest speakers four AsMA luminaries – the current President, Dr Roland Vermeiren, the President-Elect, Dr Hernando “Joe” Ortega, the Chair of the Fellows Group, Dr Warren Silberman, and the AsMA Executive Director, Mr Jeffrey Sventek. This will be a rare opportunity to hear words of wisdom and gain insights from these four AsMA leaders.

As a new initiative this year, the AFG Scientific Program Committee has prepared the attached collation of AFG members who are acting as Session Chairs and/or presenting at AsMA (whether that be as part of a workshop or panel, or a slide or poster presentation). We encourage you to scan through the list of sessions and abstract details, and to show your support for your fellow AFG members by attending their sessions or presentations.
Viva Las Vegas!

Kindest regards,
(Dr Rowena Christiansen, AFG Chair)

Las Vegas Session Chairs needed!

Chairs are still needed for some of the sessions in Las Vegas:

S-63 Slide (Wed 2 pm/Brasilia 5): Tech Advances in Travel Medicine—Need TWO (one with former experience)

S-66 Slide (Wed 2 pm/Miranda 5-7): Mental Health and Decision Making—Need backup Chair (experienced), as one of the current chairs is uncomfortable with the topic; could potentially trade for another session.

S-76 Poster (Thu 8 am): Clinical Aerospace Medicine— Need ONE

S-83 Poster (Thu 1:30 pm): Safety and Fatigue— Need TWO (one with former experience)

S-84 Slide (Thu 3:30 pm/Brasilia 1): Clinical Aerospace Medicine Around the World—Need ONE experienced chair

S-37 Slide (Tue 4 pm/Brasilia 3): Safety in Military Aviation – Need backup Chair (not experienced), as one of the current chairs may not be attending

If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please email [email protected] as soon as possible with your email address and cell/mobile ‘phone number, thanks.

New Associate Fellows

Congratulations to the new Associate Fellows!
MARCH 28, 2019
Associate Fellows Announced

The following members of the Aerospace Medical Association have achieved Associate Fellow status and were approved by the Executive Committee:

David Andrus, Brent Barker, M. Bradley Brough, Eric Chumbley, Stephen Fischer, Michael Gallagher, Gabriel Gizaw, Sarper Karakucuk, Young Hwan Kwon, David Lerner, Mark McPherson, Kristian Mears, Robert Mulcahy, Joanna Nelms, Tony Schiemer, and Emmanuel Urquieta.


Sincere congratulations to Drs Susan Fondy (Deputy Chair, AsMA AFG Ellingson Award Committee) and Ilaria Cinelli (Deputy Chair, Scientific Program Committee) for being nominated on this year’s incoming AsMA Slate of Officers as ‘Members-at-Large’ for the AsMA Council.

Congratulations also to the 42 AsMA Associate Fellows who have had abstracts accepted for, or will be acting as Session Chairs for, this year’s AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting in Las Vegas in May. More details to follow!

Call for Nominations – Extension of Time

We have decided to extend the time period for submission of Executive Officer and Committee Chair and Deputy Chair nominations for an additional week until Friday 29 March at 24:00 Pacific Standard Time.

Serving with the AFG can be a very valuable opportunity to meet some great new colleagues and learn more about the work of the AFG and AsMA. It will also earn you points towards Fellowship!

Even if you don’t have any previous experience in a particular area, the two Chair-Elect roles and the Deputy Committee Chair roles are a good chance to ‘learn the ropes’ before you have to take full responsibility for looking after that portfolio.

We are hoping that this extension will provide you with some additional time to put together your nominations (self-nominations are strongly encouraged) and send them in to [email protected].

The full Call for Nominations instructions and Candidate Profile Requirements are attached to the previous post.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Annual Call for Nominations for the next cohort of Officers and Committee Chairs

**If you are going to the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting in Las Vegas, don’t forget to register for the Associate Fellows Breakfast on Wednesday 8 May, and the Associate Fellows/Fellows Reception on Tuesday 7 May.**

To all members of the AsMA Associate Fellows Group:

As of today, Saturday 9 March 2019, nominations are open for the next cohort of AFG Executive Officers and Committee Chairs. 

The positions open for election this year are as set out below.

A. Executive Officers:

  • Secretary, a 2-year post (2019-2021);
  • Chair-Elect for 2019-2020; and
  • Chair-Elect for 2020-2021.

Note: One person may be nominated for any or all of the above offices.

Descriptions of the Executive Officers’ duties and responsibilities can be found on the AFG website: 

Special note regarding the Chair-Elect positions

In order to develop a ‘succession planning’ strategy for the AFG, the AFG Leadership Group has decided to recruit a Chair-Elect for two periods at a time. This will allow for an easier transition in situations where the incumbent Chair-Elect becomes a Fellow (or needs to resign for another reason) before they are able to take office as Chair. 

As a result, nominations will be preferred from candidates who do not have an aspiration to be elected as a Fellow during their term/s as Chair-Elect and then Chair of the AFG. For some Chairs-Elect, this will mean serving a two-year term before becoming Chair, but it is anticipated that this would be a valuable opportunity to ‘learn the ropes’ and develop a rich body of ‘corporate knowledge’.

B. Committee Chairs and up to two Deputy Chairs

These all are one-year posts, but current chairpersons are welcome to stand for re-election:

  • Ellingson Award Committee;
  • Informatics Committee;
  • Membership Committee;
  • Merchandising Committee;
  • Nominating Committee;
  • Receptions Committee; and
  • Scientific Program Committee.

Note: One person may be nominated for more than one Committee.

Descriptions of Committee Chairs’ duties and responsibilities can be found here: 

Please indicate whether your preference (or that of the nominee) would be to serve as:

  • Committee Chair;
  • A Deputy Chair; or
  • Either the Chair or a Deputy Chair.

Note: Nominees for Committee Chair positions who are unsuccessful may be asked to serve on that committee as Deputy Chair, but acceptance of this will be at the candidate’s discretion.

C. Timeline for 2019 elections:  

  • Nominations open on Saturday 9 March;
  • Nominations close on Friday 22 March at 24:00 (Pacific Standard Time);
  • The online poll for all positions will go live on or around Friday 5 April, and close not later than Thursday 18 April at 24:00 (Pacific Standard Time);
  • Results of the elections will be announced on Tuesday 23 April;
  • Official handover takes place on Wednesday 8 May at the AFG Breakfast during the AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting.

D. Please see the attached template for the Candidate Profile.  

To nominate yourself or someone else, send an email to the attention of the Chair of the AFG Nominating Committee at [email protected] indicating what position the nomination is for, and with the three-part candidate profile attached.

We look forward to receiving your nominations!

With kindest regards,
Dr Rowena Christiansen
AsMA Associate Fellow Group

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